Derrick Watson

Trump’s Ban: Grandparents, relatives of US citizens not affected – US District Judge

United State District Judge, Derrick Watson says President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on travellers from six Muslim-majority countries cannot stop grandparents and other relatives of US citizens from entering the country.

The ruling also opens the door for more refugees.

The state of Hawaii had asked Watson to interpret a Supreme Court ruling that revived parts of Trump’s executive order banning travellers from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days, as well as refugees for 120 days.

The Supreme Court last month said the ban could take effect, with a clause that anyone from the six countries related to a United State citizen could not be barred.

The Trump administration allowed spouses, parents, children, fiancés and siblings into the country, but barred grandparents and other family members, in a measure trump called necessary to prevent attacks.

On his part, Watson harshly criticised the government’s definition of close family relations.