Kenya Electoral Commisssion

Kenya’s Electoral Commission issues warning to opposition claiming victory

Kenya’s Electoral Commission has warned the opposition that its claims of victory for its presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, could be deemed illegal.

Report says the opposition has published its own figures, putting Odinga ahead of incumbent president Uhuru Kenyatta.

Electoral commission chairman Wafula Chebukati told newsmen that it was the only body legally allowed to count votes.

He accused the opposition coalition of basic mathematical errors.

However, many fear a repeat of the violence after the disputed election 10 years ago when more one thousand one hundred Kenyans died and six hundred thousand were displaced.

Meanwhile, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, Kenya’s elections outfit, says it is on course to announce results for the presidential race as tallied after the august 8 elections.

In a statement, the commission also sought to clarify some of the issues raised by the main opposition National Super Alliance who candidate is losing to the incumbent in results released so far.

The elections organizer referred to a court order that clearly spelt out how the elections process should be carried out.

The commission further explained that its duty was to collate the results from the 290 constituency returning officers following which the Commission’s chairperson could declare the result of the presidential election.