WHO projects 22nd century to actualize fight against open defecation

The World Health Organization, who, and UNICEF say over 4 billion people are living without safety managed sanitation.

The organisation also said about 700 million people still practice open defecation worldwide.

WHO stated this is a statement to mark this year’s world toilet day.

Also a statement by the water supply and sanitation collaborative council says 2 billion people lack basic sanitation.

The statement also adds that over 70 percent of the 2 billion people live in rural areas.

The council also expressed fear that access to safety managed sanitation may not become a reality until the 22nd century.

The statement explains that rural areas are home to 91 percent of about seven million who defecate in the open.

The council also said that over 70 percent of the two billion people are without basic sanitation services.

The council therefore called for the use of government leadership, stakeholder alignment areas wide programming inclusive solutions and evidence based and adaptive implementation.

The theme of this year world toilet day is leaving no one behind.

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