FRSC to establish traffic ration station in Nigeria July 25, 2017 WebDesk Officer Off News, Security, Sport News, The Federal Road Safety Commission says the body will soon establish traffic radio station. Corps...
We will ensure local government autonomy – Senate Spokeman July 25, 2017 WebDesk Officer Off Uncategorized, The Senate says efforts are underway to ensure local governments autonomy is guaranteed in the...
Woman, aged 50 died of a tick-borne disease caught from cat July 25, 2017 WebDesk Officer Off Health News, News, slideshows, World News, A Japanese woman has died of a tick-borne disease caught from a cat, in what...
Kenya, Tanzania agree to end lingering trade dispute July 25, 2017 WebDesk Officer Off Business, News, slideshows, World News, Kenya and Tanzania have agreed to end a lingering trade dispute between the two countries....
300 people died in new fever outbreak July 25, 2017 WebDesk Officer Off News, slideshows, World News, The worst ever outbreak of Dengue fever has killed nearly hundred people in Sri Lanka,...
Protesters built wall to prevent migrants’ shelter July 25, 2017 WebDesk Officer Off Uncategorized, Protesters in a south-western French town have built a wall around the entrance to a...
Manchester United beats Real Madrid on penalties July 24, 2017 WebDesk Officer Off News, slideshows, Sport News, Manchester United beat Real Madrid on penalties after their pre-season game finished 1 – 1...
US, UK to hold first talks about Brexit trade deal July 24, 2017 WebDesk Officer Off Business, News, Political News, slideshows, World News, The United Kingdom is to hold its first talks with the United States to try...
Supreme Court orders the examination of 10-year old rape victim July 24, 2017 WebDesk Officer Off Uncategorized, India’s Supreme Court has ordered doctors to examine a pregnant 10-year-old rape victim whose parents...
UN peacekeepers attacked in Central African Republic July 24, 2017 WebDesk Officer Off News, Security, World News, Christian militia in the Central African Republic has attacked United Nations peacekeepers that were protecting...